White Cat Legend
The series is adapted from the ancient-style detective work of the comic artist RC, titled “White Cat Legend,” and it tells the story of the mysterious new Assistant Minister of…
The Night Caller
The story of Tony, a Liverpool taxi driver who begins to form an unhealthy obsession and twisted world view of a late-night radio talk show host.
Metallic Rouge
In a world where humans coexist with androids called Neans, a group known as the Immortal Nine rises up against society. Tasked with disposing of the revolters, a Nean named…
Lumuhod Ka Sa Lupa
This is another action-drama film where the protagonist exacts payment of debts.
The Derbyshire Auction House
Following one of the few women in Britain to helm an auction house, Irita Marriott. The series follows her as she builds her business in south Derbyshire, helping vendors make…
Monster Next Door
Cute introvert Diewdai likes living in his ultra private world, hiding away in his apartment. His best friend is a turtle called Khun Chai. Diew’s life of peace, however, is…
The Wives
Mystery drama following the explosive unravelling of a family during one hot summer in the Med.
Family X
A forty-year-old widow whose teenage son disappears, so she begins a journey to search for him and discover his secrets and his private world.
Kindergarten: The Musical
The series follows 5-year-old Birdy, who, with the help of her amazing teacher and new friends, uses her imagination to express her fears, excitement and joy through big Broadway-style song…