The Golden Cobra
This animated comedy follows delivery driver Nick and the Abassi family, proprietors of the worst catering establishment in Ebbw Vale, The Golden Cobra Indian takeaway.
Views: 56
Genre: Comedy
Director: Adam Llewellyn, James Prygodzicz, Thomas Rees
Actors: Adam Llewellyn, David Firth, James Prygodzicz, Jeff Mirza, Josh Hooper, Lizzie Luke, Mark John, Sonal Fricker, Steve Ballinger, Thomas Rees
Studio: Beastly
Keywords:Adam Llewellyn David Firth go movies series James Prygodzicz Jeff Mirza Josh Hooper Lizzie Luke Mark John Sonal Fricker Steve Ballinger The Golden Cobra Online The Golden Cobra Putlockers Thomas Rees watch series go Watch The Golden Cobra Watch The Golden Cobra Full Series watchseries